For the first time since its launch, the Autumn MET will count a total of four weeks
With 70 days left to go the organizing committee is fully occupied to make this year’s edition a highlight for riders and horses
The 2016 Autumn MET starts up on Tuesday 18th of October with it’s first week of competition, stretching out until Sunday 13th of November.
Twelve Longines Ranking classes and 471.000 Euro in prize money
There will be no less than twelve Longines Ranking classes at this year’s Autumn MET, and a total of 471.000 Euro in prize money.
The 2016 Autumn MET also gives riders a unique opportunity to show a large number of horses every week as both CSI1* and CSI2* competitions are on this year’s program of the Autumn MET, with Gold, Silver and Bronze Tours – as well as CSIYH classes.
Each rider can bring a total of four horses for the CSI1* as well as for the CSI2*, with a maximum of eight horses per rider. This gives riders the possibility to compete up to eight horses every weekend. In addition, riders can bring up to three horses for each age group (5, 6 and 7-year-olds) in the young horse classes – with a maximum of six horses. In total, this gives the riders the opportunity to compete up to fourteen horses during every week.
The right girl for the job
“With four weeks of Autumn MET, we are simply giving the riders what they have been asking for. The Autumn MET has become increasingly popular, and there has already been big interest for this year’s Tour so we urge the riders to make their reservations and entries as soon as possible,” says Bettina Pöhls, MET Event Director, who is excited to launch this year’s Autumn-edition.
Before she moved to Oliva and started her new job as MET Event director, Pöhls worked many years for the German company Equestrian Sport Events and is very happy with her new responsibilities. “Being Event Director of such a great equestrian event, with the perfect facilities and a fantastic team here in Oliva is making me very proud,” Pöhls says.
A familiar face for those who previously have visited Oliva, Pöhls has already proved that she has what it takes to bring together such a huge event. With plenty of organizing experience on the equestrian circuit, Pöhls is definitely the right girl for this job.
Excellent facilities
Every year, the facilities in Oliva Nova are improving. One huge grass ring (140 x 80 meters), two big competition sand rings and also lots of rings designated for flatwork – all with top quality footing delivered by Dammann – wait for horses and riders, in addition to the brand new longing area.
Riders also praise the nearby beach, which is fantastic for the horses’ bodies and minds and gives an opportunity for varied work as well as relaxation – next to a competitive environment. At Autumn MET the horses get to enjoy both time off as well as competition.
For riders and their teams, the restaurants, bars and the shopping village on-site also make the MET-experience something special.
A home away from home
Some riders have chosen to make the most out of the facilities in Oliva, and stay with their horses between the Autumn MET and Spring MET. One of them is young Belgian superstar Constant Van Paesschen, that has been a loyal competitor at the Mediterranean Equestrian Tour in Oliva from the tour’s early days.
Last summer, the Van Paesschen-family decided to make a more permanent base for themselves and their horses in Oliva. Between the 2015 Autumn MET and 2016 Spring MET, Constant’s team used the MET facilities: “During the winter we had approximately fifteen young horses standing in the permanent MET stables in Oliva,” Constant explained in an interview for 2016 Spring MET. “We could ride the horses on the beach and used the MET’s facilities, such as the rings where we could build any course we wanted for the horses. They certainly can learn a lot this way! A base at MET Oliva in between the Tours has proved to be a great opportunity for our young horses!”
Riders interested to stay during the winter months are of course welcome to contact the show office, that will assist with any practical requests.
And with that the 2016 Autumn MET-team welcomes you and your horses to Oliva in October and November!